At Alexander McLeod Primary School we agree that everyone has a responsibility for safeguarding children and young people.
What is safeguarding?
It might be difficult to accept, but any child can be hurt, put at risk of harm or abused, regardless of their age, gender, religion or ethnicity.
Safeguarding legislation and government guidance says that safeguarding means:
- protecting children from maltreatment
- preventing impairment of children’s health or development
- ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
- taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome and
“The action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm - is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.”
Working together to safeguard children (HM Government 2015)
“For children who need additional help, every day matters… The actions taken by professionals to meet the needs of these children as early as possible can be critical to their future”
Working together to safeguard children (HM Government 2015)
Our Safeguarding Team
Our Safeguarding Leads are:
Mohammad MustafaDesignated Safeguarding Lead
Mohammad Mustafa
Brittany LewisDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Brittany Lewis
Jennifer BaileyDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Jennifer Bailey
Vanessa JohnsonDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Vanessa Johnson
They can be contacted by phoning the school on 0208 311 2266 or can be found on the school playground at the beginning and end of the school day.
Report child abuse - Contact details
Anyone who is concerned about a child's safety or wellbeing can contact the Royal Borough of Greenwich's Children's Services team.
You can call during working hours or out of hours using one of the following number
- Referral team (office hours): 020 8921 3172
- Emergency duty team (out of office hours only): 020 8854 8888.
If you believe that a child is in immediate danger, you should always call the police on 999.